Industrial Age Tasks

Name: A new Age is dawning...
Objective: Get to the Industrial age
Reward: 50K Food, Stone & Gold, 35K Iron, 5K Coal

Name: Demolish your obsolete buildings
Objective: (Demolish quarries)
Reward: 20K Food, Iron & Coal, 1K Oil

Name: Build your first Oil Well
Objective: Construct Oil Well level 1
Reward: 1K Oil

Name: Unlock the strongest units with a Factory
Objective: Construct Factory level 7
Reward: ?

Name: Mine Iron for machines
Objective: Gather resources in one settlement: 7K Iron/hour
Reward: ?

Name: Feed your workers
Objective: Gather resources in one settlement: 50K Food/hour (?)
Reward: ?

Name: Mine Coal for the fires of industry
Objective: Gather resources in one settlement: 5k Coal/hour
Reward: 10K Coal

Name: Oil the gears of industry
Objective: Gather resources in one settlement: 100 Oil/hour
Reward: 1K Oil

Name: Invest in your people
Objective: Construct Apartment level 5 & City Centre level 4
Reward: None (culture)

Name: Build an Oil Refinery
Objective: Research Refinery, Construct Oil Well level 4 x2 & Refinery level 1
Reward: ?

Name: Expand your empire with a sixth city
Objective: Research Governance V, Own At least 6 settlements
Reward: ?

Name: Train riflemen for the industrial age
Objective: Research rifleman, construct army fort 1, gunsmith 4 and academy 4, garrison one settlement with at least 25 riflemen
Reward: 20K iron, 5K coal, culture

Name:Mine iron for machines
Objective: Gather 7K iron/hour
Reward: 10K iron

Name: Bank on a bigger tax income
Objective: Research bank, construct bank level 1
Reward: 100K gold, culture

Name: Reduce battlefield fatalities through research
Objective: Research Field Medic Training
Reward: Culture

Name: Produce artillery for military might
Objective: Research artillery, Construct army fort 2, armoury 5, gunsmith 5 and factory 4, garrison a settlement with 10 artillery
Reward: ?

? = Means i still don't have that info yet :P

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