Friday, July 8, 2011

Closed BETA 2

CLOSED BETA 2 Just started: Beta key: PARIS

To start playing on Augustus, simply log into your account as usual, and select the "Start a New Empire" option at the top of the screen to create a new Empire on Augustus. Once you've done this, you'll be able to use the drop-down to switch between your Empires whenever you like.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Apparently, the less laggy and more compatible web browser for 8realms is Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer have showed many problems showing tasks and graphical glitches. Firefox is Free and can be downloaded HERE.

I've been using these three web browsers and Firefox -IMHO- is at the moment the most reliable option.

Extra TIP: AdBlock Plus is a complement that can be added to Firefox to block all Advertisements in almost any website. After installing Firefox AdBlock Plus can be downloaded and Installed from HERE.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Culture Boost

Stuck at Culture?

Make sure you constantly researching and keep maxed luxuries. Luxuries gives you certain amount of culture per hour. Maximize the amount of luxuries captured by upgrading Parade grounds and Plazas/Markets/Shopping Centers. Getting Culture should be your #1 Priority until  Future age.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Frugal Army

How is it possible that a small army can defeat a bigger, assorted and technologically advanced army?

This reminds me Age of Empires when a bunch of Pikeman and Foot Archers could easily defeat a big expensive -more advanced- Army containing siege, mounted archers and Paladins.

Notice that there are some important info that can be obtained from this picture:

  • The Players' Army are from a Renaissance Age, The tile was in Feudal
  • The Players' total Army was 6k and the tile was 5k.

Monday, June 6, 2011


Some resource like wood are only used in 4 ages; however, food and iron are used in all ages-Iron from classical until future. So is a good idea to maximize/prioritize food and iron researches.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Lookout Post, Watchtower and Aerodrome

This structures allow us to improve our defense and to gain more culture, but once the tacks is done, it becomes not so worth. Construction spaces are limited so demolishing it would be a good idea.